Random PHP Password Generator
Monday, February 20, 2012 11:05 PM
A project I was working on the other day needed an automatically generated password. I had an old script that spat out a really basic alphanumeric 6-character password, but I wanted something a bit stronger and more versatile. I thought I’d share. This code will give you a default of 8 characters, alphanumeric plus special characters, with flexibility for whatever length you want. The implementation is nothing fancy.
Random Password: <br /> <?php $len = isset($_GET['len']) ? $_GET['len'] : 8; $pw = ''; for($i=0; $i<$len; $i++) { $pw .= chr(rand(33, 126)); } echo $pw; ?>
Output example:
The characters it uses are pulled from the ASCII table (values 33 through 126, inclusive).
Just save that on your server and pull it up. Add a ?len=N query string in there were N is a number for the desired non-default length.
Caveat: All of that said, don’t forget that there are better choices than randomized passwords.
Thanks TravInSF for idiot-checking me